Airport Master Plan Update 2022

UPDATE 10/09/2023


Visit the Astoria Regional Airport Online Open House website to learn about the future of the airport and tell us what you think. 

The Port of Astoria is updating our regional airport master plan to prepare for investments and improvements over the next 20 years. Learn about what's in the plan and tell us what you think on our online open house HERE.

The online open house website includes background information about the airport as well as analysis and findings about future development possibilities.

Submit your comments through the website by Oct. 16. 

UPDATE 06/07/2023

At the June 7, 2023 regular Commission meeting Mead & Hunt presented an overview of the Airport Master Plan Update progress. The Airport Planning Advisory Committee has held two meetings gathering information and soliciting feedback from various stakeholders. Next steps include chapter review by the planning advisory committee. The next planning advisory committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 from 5p-7p at the Astoria Regional Airport FBO. The public is encouraged to attend and provide feedback. 

Master Plan Public Meeting Flyer - October 4th  

Planning Advisory Committee Meeting 1 - presentation slides

Planning Advisory Committee Meeting 2 - presentation slides

Master Plan Update - Chapter 1 - Existing Conditions

Master Plan Update - Chapter 2 - Environmental Considerations

The current Airport Master Plan was last completed in 2008 and is now due for renewal in 2022. Completion of this project is a mandatory pre-requisite to FAA grant funding through the Airport Improvement Program (AIP). This program funds airport infrastructure projects such as runways, taxiways, airport signage, airport lighting, and airport markings. The master plan update is a high priority to the future of the airport.

In April of 2022, the Port of Astoria signed an agreement with Mead & Hunt to provide airport planning services. The Plan will evaluate needs over a 20-year planning period, for airfield, airspace, terminal areas, and landside facilities. The primary goal of the master plan is to prepare an approved layout plan that emphasizes and incorporates feasible airport improvements that can be successfully implemented.

For the Master Plan, key projects and focus areas of emphasis include the following:

  • Helicopter Operations Area
  • Hangar Development
  • Taxiway A and Glideslope Relocation
  • Taxiway B Extension
  • Non-Aeronautical Development
  • Future Development Areas
  • Electric Aircraft Integration

This project was partially funded through the Airport Improvement Program, with a partial match through the Oregon Department of Aviation's Critical Airport Relief grant program. The timeline is estimated to be from May of 2022 to July of 2024.

From the Port Commission Meeting - July 6, 2022


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